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Unpublished Africa

6 week program for the African photographer

When did you first put a price to your art?

The reality is the minute you decided to put a price to your images and time as a visual storyteller, you became a service provider. From having to navigate pricing decisions to invoicing and receipts. As a service provider, You not only have a customer journey to think of (because repeat clients and referrals) but you also have a (freelance) business to make sustainable.

We at Unpublished understand that your core skill is related to your art so we decided to create a six week virtual program to help you figure out how to build around your core skill. The program is called Creative Business Studio. We have just concluded our first cohort which had 11 participants from several countries including Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It took the artists through workshops with industry experts as well as consultations to help them apply the knowledge they learned to their specific case.

Here is what one of the participants had to say:

“ Being part of the Online residency was very enriching in multiple ways. It opened my mind up to different aspects of my work that I was aware of but not actively working to improve and showed my how I can better in those areas.

It was also great to meet all the other cohort members and have open dialogue on what issues we were facing and see how others conduct their businesses because peers are always a great learning resource especially in such a wide and talented pool.

All in all I’d advise more people to apply for any future programmes that may arise because they really help sharpen your skills and focus on growing your practice.” David. A (Ghana)

Friend, are you a visual storyteller that knows they need help with building around their art? Apply for the 2nd cohort of Creative Business Studio. It’s free, it’s virtual and it will help you achieve some of the goals you may have surrounding your photography and art.

Here are the details:

Application deadline: 4 June

Program Dates 12 June - 21 July 2023

The program culminates in a publication called Africa Published which you will be invited to contribute to.

This cohort is open to African photographers currently residing in Africa.

___________ Application Closed.


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